
allows you to assign one or more commands to a short word or phrase


allows to execute automatically one or more commands when in the MUD appears a specific expression or word
from version 1.7 triggers supports complicated expressions with % variables (read the Info box)

Triggers can now evaluate complicated expressions and save parameters, that can be then used in reactions.
Ex. Trigger expression: %1 says '%2'
Reaction: say %1 %2
When in the MUD appears for example the text "Someone says 'hello!'", the client save %variables and use them to make the reaction: %1="Someone", %2="hello!" and the reaction will be "say Someone hello!".
You can use parameters from %1 to %9 to write expressions.

allows to assign a combination of keys to an alias or trigger


allows to setup some variable expressions and use them in alias and trigger

Each variable is preceded by the symbol "@", so if you have defined a variable "weapon", you must reference it as "@weapon". If you insert that expression in the command prompt, in a trigger or a alias, it will be replaced by the variable value. Ex. if you give to "@weapon" the value "sword" and you type "buy @weapon" at commands prompt, the client will send "buy sword".
There are two ways to define a variable: the first is through the settings window, the second is by typing specific commands in the command line. Command line interface support two syntaxes:

By typing only this symbol, yuo'll receive a list of defined variables

"@<varname> = <value>"
This other command instead, allows you to change a variable value or define new variables.
<varname> must be replaced by the name of the var you're modifying or creating, <value> by the variable new value, regarding of ignoring the <> characters.
Ex. to change the @weapon value you can simply write "@weapon = dagger" and a message will confirm the change.

To send to the mud the "@" character as it is, you must type "\@".
Ex. to send "name@host.it" you must type "name\@host.it", elsewhere "@host.it" will be interpreted as a variable.
Macro Buttons

allows to assign an alias to a command button on the screen


this feature let the client understand ANSI sequences sent by MUDs and shows coloured text


save the last commands sent to the MUD, so they can easily been recalled and you haven't to write the same command twice


allows to log the mud output, saving it to an HTML file

Customize Layout

The client's structure allows you to dock tools windows into the main screen, this is very useful at high resolutions. You can also save several layout schemes and apply them with a simple click in a menu.


allows to configure one or more profiles, each profile consist of a name and password, that will be used in executing the auto-login scheme (see below). Alias, Triggers, Buttons and other configurations are profile-dependent, so they can be different for each profile configured


the autologin feature let you configure an autologin scheme, that is a combination of a username, a password (profile dependent) and constant commands that will be executed every time you connect. The autologin scheme is specific for each MUD you configure

Mud Sound Protocol (plug-in)

the plug-in interpret Mud Sound Protocol sequences sent by MUDs to execute sounds and musics at the right time

Numeric Pad (plug-in)

this plug-in let you assign one or more command to a key on the numeric keypad, very useful for commands used very often (like directions, for example)

Timers (plug-in)

thanks to this plug-in you can configure several timers that will execute specified commands at given time intervals

Keyboard menu (plug-in)

with this you can set up a menu (with also sub-menus, if you like) that will appear when you simply press the right Control key, the right Shift key or the Ins key

designed by Seph - 1024x768 optimized